Posts Tagged ‘Baseline



I lay awake in bed a lot, waiting for my mind to return to its “baseline”. Essentially, it’s the point where all the superficial and nonessential things my mind worries about settle; the way an equalizer looks after the song stops basically. Once I reach that point I can really focus on things or simply try and listen for God. The majority of my thoughts are religion oriented during this time. A couple nights ago one question kept me thinking long into the morning: what if we are merely the result of God’s curiosity about imperfection? I mean, if the Bible is to be believed and the Lord is perfection in every way and can accept nothing less, suppose he began to wonder what it was like to be imperfect. Perhaps He truly could not comprehend what imperfection is like just as you and I can’t really comprehend Him.  Thus, we were born. A flawed creature plunked down into his own world to run it any way he sees fit (and, inevitably, run it imperfectly). God, being the way He is, sends Jesus down so that we can one day be reunited, but while we are here He simply watches us in amazement at the new and incredible ways we come up with to be ….imperfect. I loved this idea for a number of reasons; the main reason being that it gave me a picture of God sitting right above earth just watching us with a smile on His face or a look of shock as we screw something else up. I know it’s weird but it made Him feel close to, like knowing He was always watching and loving His flawed creation. I realize the absurdity of this; but then again that is one of my favorite parts of my baseline thoughts: their pure abstraction. 

May 2024
